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How To Control Scorpions

There are nearly 2,000 species of scorpions across the globe. In the U.S., they are most common in the South and Southwest. In California and Arizona, you can find more than 45 species of scorpions. With these pests being so popular in our area, it’s important to inform yourself so you can stay safe and your home can stay scorpion free. Here’s what you need to know about scorpions and how to control them.

Are scorpions poisonous?

While all scorpions are venomous, only a few are considered poisonous to humans. Scorpions use their venom to paralyze/kill their prey and to defend themselves. There are two species in the U.S. that are considered dangerous: the Stripebacked scorpion and the Arizona bark scorpion.

The stripebacked scorpion is small and varies in color. They are commonly found in the south-central U.S. as far east as Tennessee and as far north as Illinois. The sting of a stripebacked can be painful and dangerous. The Arizona bark scorpion is 1.5 inches long and a golden-yellow or light brown color with a slender tail and pincers. This scorpion has a painful sting that can be potentially lethal, especially in the case of children or the elderly.

Methods of control

There are scorpion-control products on the market that can be administered by a pest control professional. These products can help protect your home, yard or business from potentially dangerous scorpions.

For those who live in areas with a high amount of scorpions, take some precautionary steps. Seal all cracks in your home’s foundation or siding to keep them from entering the house. Make sure your windows and screens do not have holes in them. Rid your home of other pests that could be a source of food.

Help with Arizona Scorpion control

Contact Us for a free inspection. We build relationships with our clients so they feel free to communicate with us about their unique challenges. We also tailor our plans to each pest problem, making sure we remove critters the first time. Call us at (602) 688-4985 or send us a message at

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Bee Swarm vs. Bee Hive: How To Tell The Difference

Can you tell the difference between a bee swarm and a bee hive?  If not, don’t worry, most people can’t.  Before I worked in Pest Control, I did not know either. So why is it important to know the difference? One big reason is that it is much less expensive to remove a swarm than a hive.

So how can you tell one from the other? They can sometimes look quite similar.  A swarm is a conglomeration of bees who, when they land, all huddle around the queen to protect her. They will typically look like a deflated football or pineapple. A swarm has no hive, honeycomb, or wax. because they have not had time to build one yet.

You see, whenever an established hive becomes overcrowded, the monarch queen will assign the hive to a new queen. In order to free up resources, the Monarch Queen will take flight with about a third of the colony…. hence a new swarm is created. The new swarm will take flight in search of a new place to build a hive. Sometimes they may land and rest for a while. Other times they will land and start building a hive. It usually takes at least a couple of weeks before a swarm can create a fully established hive.

1. A swarm is smaller and appears like a dark ball of bees and has only been therefore less than a week or two.
2. A Hive is usually larger and white or yellow honeycomb may be visible under the bees.
3. A swarm is usually less aggressive than a hive. Bees tend to defend their home once it is established.
4. A swarm tends to be more of an oblong shape. A hive is usually more round.